Replay Café scientifique #5 - "Responses to pandemics and misinformation"

08/09/2023 - Meetings
If you missed our 5th Fulbright France "café scientifique" that took place online (Zoom) on August 30, feel free to go to our YouTube channel to view the recording of the conference.

The theme "Responses to pandemics  and misinformation" has been addressed by:

- Mr. Arnaud Fontanet: French Fulbright alumnus (Harvard University, 1990/91), epidemiologist, Director of the École Pasteur-Cnam de santé publique, Director of the Centre de santé globale and Director of the Unité d'épidémiologie des maladies émergentes at the Institut Pasteur (Paris); he was a member of the Scientific Council advising the Executive on Covid-19.

- Ms. Chine Labbé: French Fulbright France alumna (Columbia University, 2009/10), journalist, European Editor-in-Chief at NewsGuard, an American company that assesses the reliability of news and information websites. In 2021, she will be helping to launch the "VaxFacts" campaign, combating misinformation about Covid-19 vaccines and other false health information.

- Mr. Yazdan Yazdanpanah: Franco-Iranian Fulbright France alumnus (Harvard University, 1998/99), infectiologist, Head of the Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases at Bichat-Claude-Bernard Hospital (Paris) and Director of the ANRS, Inserm's I3M Thematic Institute (immunology, inflammation, infectiology and microbiology); he was a member of the Scientific Council advising the Executive on Covid-19.

- Ms. Aude Favre: investigative journalist, President of the Fake Off association and founder of the "Citizen Facts" project: a gigantic collaborative newsroom offering all citizens the opportunity to investigate with information professionals (Média Award Assises internationales du journalisme 2023).

The online conference was moderated by:
- Ms. Yousra Kherabi: French Fulbright France 2023/24 laureate (Université Paris-Cité / NIAID), PhD specialist in tuberculosis.

YouTube link to the replay of Café Scientifique #5

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