Celebrating the 20-year partnership between Fulbright and Hauts-de-France region

11/09/2024 - Meetings

Celebrating the 20-year partnership between Fulbright and Hauts-de-France region

On Wednesday, September 11 was organized a moment of exchange on scientific cooperation between the Hauts-de-France region and the United States at the Hauts-de-France Regional Council. Fulbright grantees were there to share their experiences in the United States!

For 20 years, about 125 French and American research scholars of all disciplines have benefited from this partnership between Fulbright and the Hauts-de-France region (83 French Research Scholars and Visiting Student Researchers / 42 American grantees).

The celebration in Lille of these 20 years of collaboration was marked by the signature of the renewed convention by Manoëlle MARTIN, Vice-president of the Hauts-de-France region in charge of higher education, research, orientation, and of the CREFOP (The regional committee for employment, training, and professional orientation), and by Martine ROUSSEL, Franco-American Commission Fulbright France Executive Director.

Since 1948, The Fulbright program is administered in France by the Franco-American Commission, a binational organization. Its governance and financing are shared between the United States Department of State, the French Secretary of Foreign Affairs, the French Secretary of Higher Education, regional partners, universities, and private partners.

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