The theme "Responses to pandemics and misinformation" has been addressed by:
- Mr. Arnaud Fontanet: French Fulbright alumnus (Harvard University, 1990/91), epidemiologist, Director of the École Pasteur-Cnam de santé publique, Director of the Centre de santé globale and Director of the Unité d'épidémiologie des maladies émergentes at the Institut Pasteur (Paris); he was a member of the Scientific Council advising the Executive on Covid-19.
- Ms. Chine Labbé: French Fulbright France alumna (Columbia University, 2009/10), journalist, European Editor-in-Chief at NewsGuard, an American company that assesses the reliability of news and information websites. In 2021, she will be helping to launch the "VaxFacts" campaign, combating misinformation about Covid-19 vaccines and other false health information.
- Mr. Yazdan Yazdanpanah: Franco-Iranian Fulbright France alumnus (Harvard University, 1998/99), infectiologist, Head of the Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases at Bichat-Claude-Bernard Hospital (Paris) and Director of the ANRS, Inserm's I3M Thematic Institute (immunology, inflammation, infectiology and microbiology); he was a member of the Scientific Council advising the Executive on Covid-19.
- Ms. Aude Favre: investigative journalist, President of the Fake Off association and founder of the "Citizen Facts" project: a gigantic collaborative newsroom offering all citizens the opportunity to investigate with information professionals (Média Award Assises internationales du journalisme 2023).
The online conference was moderated by:
- Ms. Yousra Kherabi: French Fulbright France 2023/24 laureate (Université Paris-Cité / NIAID), PhD specialist in tuberculosis.