We've nominated our 10 Fulbright France 2024/25 ambassadors!

15/05/2024 - Rewards

We've nominated our 10 Fulbright France 2024/25 ambassadors!

Discover our 10 Fulbright France 2024/25 Ambassadors (5 French and 5 American)!

Following the call for applications launched in March to our grantees and Alumni, we have made a selection taking into account the following criteria: parity, geographical distribution, different fields of research...

What will be the role of our 10 Fulbright France Ambassadors during this year (May 1, 2024 to April 30, 2025)? They will communicate about our binational grant program and events on their social media; organize small events; participate in our webinars or events; answer questions from people wishing to apply to our programs; represent our values of diversity and inclusion...

Thank you to them for accepting this role and well done! 


FR - Léa KERYELL-COCHEN (2017/18) - Université de Bretagne Occidentale / FLTA (Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant) at Hollins University.

US - Byron P. McCrae (2019/20) - FIEA program - Vice President for the Division of Student Life at Davidson College (North Carolina).

FR - Yousra KHERABI (2023/24) - Visiting Student Researcher Award - Université Paris-Cité / NIAID (Maryland) - Improve the speed and efficiency of trials in the field of tuberculosis.

US - Steven GIRARDOT (2022/23) - FIEA program - Vice-Provost for undergraduate education at Georgia Institute of Technology.

FR - Joy PASQUET (2017/18) - Student Award - Mines ParisTech / University of California, Berkeley - Master in City Planning & MSc in Science and Executive Engineering.

FR - Jérémy LEMARIÉ (2022/23) - Visiting Scholar Award - Université Reims Champagne-Ardenne / University of Hawaii at Manoa - Project on regenerative tourism in Hawaii and finding solutions to the problem of mass tourism.

US - Jie QIAO (2022/23) - Fulbright-Nouvelle Aquitaine Research Scholar program / Rochester Institute of Technology (New York) / Université de Bordeaux - Project on Gigahertz-Burst Ultrafast Laser Material Processing to Achieve Efficient Ablation.

FR - Pr. Ange NZIHOU (2020/21) - Visiting Scholar Award - IMT Mines Albi / Princeton University - Work on innovative research aimed at decarbonizing heavy industry.

US - Mia CHEUNG (2023/24) - University of Pennsylvania) / ETA (English Teaching Assistant) at Lycée Robert Doisneau in Vaux-en-Velin.

US - Freddy CISNEROS (2020/21) - Advanced Student - University of Michigan-Ann Arbor / Sorbonne Université-CNRS - Project on Controlling, Rationalizing, and Exploring Active Matter.


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